
Основные акционеры

Крупнейшими акционерами AS Pro Kapital являются Эрнесто Преатони и его аффилированные лица. Согласно имеющейся в распоряжении AS Pro Kapital Grupp информации, Эрнесто Преатони и его аффилированным лицам принадлежит по состоянию на 30.09.2024 год 49.61% акций AS Pro Kapital Grupp.Считается, что следующие паи находятся под контролем Эрнесто Преатони, поскольку по оценке руководства компании Эрнесто Преатони проверяет право голоса следующих юридических лиц:

  1. ТОО Svalbork Invest, находящееся во владении Эрнесто Преатони эстонское предприятие, которому принадлежит 5 590 639 т.е 9.86% акций предприятия.
  2. 11 322 099 акциями т.е 19.97% акций предприятия управляет через представительский счет в Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
  3. 10 700 000 акциями т.е 18.88% акций предприятия управляет через представительский счет в Clearstream Bank.
  4. 513 183 акциями т.е 0.91% акций предприятия управляет через представительский счет в Nordea Bank .

Oбщие собрания

Legal documentation

Grupp (20.09.2017-04.10.2017)

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp prospectus

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp prospectus (signatures)

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp prospectus summary (Estonian language)

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp prospectus summary (Italian language)

– Instructions for subscribing for the shares

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp subscription application

–  AS Pro Kapital Grupp Prospectus Supplement 2 October 2017

Other documents:

– the Company’s Articles of Association;

– the Company’s Articles of Association (EST);

– the Special Purpose Combined Financial Statements (AS Pro Kapital Grupp Combined Financial Statements For Financial Years ended 31 December 2011, 2010 and 2009) and the Independent Auditor’s Report on Combined Financial Statements;

– The remuneration policy for the executive management of AS Pro Kapital Grupp

– the Interim Financial Statements (AS Pro Kapital Grupp Interim Report 01.01.-30.06.2016) and Certified Auditor’s Report on Review of Interim Financial Information;

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp Consolidated Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2012;

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp Consolidated Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2011;

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2010;

– AS Pro Kapital Grupp Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2009;

– The Appraisal Report Summary /Pro Kapital Baltic Property Portfolio 2014;

– Prospectus;

– Prospectus Summary (EST);

– Listing Prospectus Nasdaq Stockholm for 2015/2020 bonds

– Notice of Early Redemption of the bonds ISIN SE0006504379

– Written procedure regarding amending Terms and Conditions for senior secured callable fixed rate bonds 2020/2024 ISIN SE0013801172

– Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions for AS Pro Kapital Grupp EUR 28,500,000 senior secured callable fixed rate bonds 2020/2024 ISIN SE0013801172

– Listing Prospectus for Nasdaq Stockholm for 2020/2024 bonds

– Listing Prospectus for Nasdaq OMX Tallinn 20-2024 non-convertible bonds

– Written procedure regarding amending Terms and Conditions for senior secured callable fixed rate bonds 2020/2024 ISIN SE0013801172 (June 2021 notice)

Amended terms and conditions of AS Pro Kapital Grupp unsecured bonds (ISIN EE3300001676), 22 September 2023

-Pro Kapital — Written Procedure Q4 2023

Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions for AS Pro Kapital Grupp EUR 28,500,000 senior secured callable fixed rate bonds 2020/2028 ISIN SE0013801172, 16 January 2024

Notice of mandatory partial repayment (ISIN SE0013801172)